Server/Forum Costs?


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
I was just curious as to why the cost of everything went up so much higher? It used to be $95 a month and now it's like, what.. $250? :eek:

I never saw a post or anything about it so I was just wondering more than anything. That sure is a huge increase compared to what it was. I just hope we can afford it with the donations and everything.

P.S. Not sure if this was posted in the right section so if any mod or admin feels it needs to be moved, please do so.
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Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
Yeah I wondered the same thing too, why it went up so much. If it's because of all the servers we have I would vote to get rid of them if we can't keep up to pay for them, hell probably 70% are empty all the time anyways right?

I'm sure Wally will let us know about this ;)

Joe Momma

First Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
It's the dedicated server in san jose. The amount will eventually get down to about 150. Wally is just making a slow transition so we keep players that's all.


Lieutenant Colonel
|K3| Member
I thought Wally needed more money for the site and stuff, not just the servers.


Resident Brony
Former Krew Member
Well if Wally is short of cash we could put ads on the forum to make extra cash right?


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
I know I mentioned this somewhere already.

Either way, here's what the fees are looking like after canceling the other Dallas servers and the BO server (in a few days):

$150 - for numerous servers on San Jose machine
$15 - Dallas' S1
$49 - forum hosting/re-direct hosting/domain registration

$214/month. Quite a jump but the cost per server = far less than what we pay for the Dallas server alone once we get 'em up. Yes, they're empty but the San Jose machine gives up much more options as far as game servers goes.

We literally can run the following servers to name a few:
-All cod pre-MW2
-Killing Floor
-tons of modded/tweaked cod4 servers (gun game, promod, old school, the list is huge)
-MW3 once the linux binaries comes out

Yes, we might have empty servers but we'll have plenty of different types of gametypes to choose to play on.

Sucks we might not have the member-base to fill them all but at least our members will have at some point an abundance of choices to choose from. And when I mean at some point, I mean as soon as I get some a chance to configure them. I'll be dedicating my time tomorrow to start configuring some extra servers I've been meaning to.

Lastly, I've been thinking of doing another experiment, and if it works out, the donation bar can probably go away entirely. I'll bring this up as soon as I work out on how we can do it.


The experiment is hosting Dee's, HJ's and my pr0n collection, and charging one buck for full access to about a million gigs.

We should be rich in no time.

OK, the real experiment. Wally's gonna sell crack cocaine on campus. That'll make more cash than the pr0n anyway.
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