Warhammer 40,000


Epic Poodle
Former Krew Member
Anyone play any of these? I picked up Dawn of War II and Dawn of War II Retribution The Last Standalone last night. They're still on sale until 10am california time tomorrow. DoW2 is $10 and the Last Standalone is $5.
I'm also downloading the Space Marine demo.
These games are freaking fun. Even DoW. I normally HATE HATE HATE HATE strategy games, like building bases and micromanaging. DoW2 has neither, and it's fun as hell. Get it children!


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
I have DOWII but only played it once or twice. I have too many games on my PC.

I uninstalled it to gain some space on my C drive but I'm sure i will re-install it at some point. From the short time i played it seemed pretty cool. A nice change of pace from the C&C type RTS.


Epic Poodle
Former Krew Member
What's wrong with you Joe and Mike?
And Damage if you reinstall it I'd be glad to play some co-op with you.
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