Minecraft Thread


Resident Brony
Former Krew Member
Hey guys I just bought minecraft a few days ago and am loving it so I decided to make a thread about it. So if you guys play Minecraft maybe post screenshots of your forts and tell some hints and tips you guys might have! I'll post screens of my house when I get home. Also if guys have anything else minecraft related post it here (e.g. skins servers updates etc).


Second Lieutenant
Well there's already one of these, but i guess why not start a new one ;) GAME IS AMAZING!
I just downloaded the demo version of Minecraft Pocket Edition, so now i have minecraft on my phone! SO AWESOME!


Condescending little prick
|K3| Moderator
YAY. What is this, like the 20th Minecraft thread. It's a great game, but consumes a ton of time to get anywhere. Plus the new updates are butt fucking me. Endermen...


Resident Brony
Former Krew Member
I'm trying to create a minecraft multiplayer server so me and my sister can play together, but apparently it's really complicated, can anyone help me with this?

No Mercy

Master Sergeant
|K3| Member
|K3| Media Team
I could post a video of how to make one, But ill have to do it later. STUPID SCHOOL ASSIGNMENTS


Private First Class
i love building in minecraft.ive got like 6 mines that go all the way to bed rock, built a huge minecraft system that goes from my original spawn to my house, and 2 chests full of cobblestone. i found a huge cave system where i get lost in all the time.ive must of been wandering around for over an hour before i risked digging strait up with only 1 torch


Resident Brony
Former Krew Member
lol and that was in survival? Yeah I dont mess with those natural caves unless I know fr sure where I'm going, you can get lost in those things forevever!
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