Just... A head's up


|KKK|s wise lesbian
Former Krew Member
I was down in Los Angeles this weekend, for my older sister's wedding. Had a great time, and had some fun.

On to what I want to let everyone know...

If you see me on the forums, or in game, I might not be myself. Sunday afternoon, I saw a post on facebook from my Dad, about his girlfriend, whom he has been with for the past 3 years or so. She's been like a mother to me, texted me everyday, always wanted to know how I was, being across the continent from one another didn't matter, I was her daughter. Anyway, I called my Dad, his status said, "I loved you Kaysie. A lot of people did, I hope you knew that." I was informed that she was found dead in her bed in Utah, earlier in the morning. My dad had been about to leave the house to pick her up from the airport, when a police officer pulled up and informed him... We don't know what happened, but it was unexpected.

Needless to say, I've been affected by it deeply, if I seem distant, or touchy, I truly am sorry. I may be a straight up bitch if you press my buttons the wrong way and I'm sorry. I just need it out there so no one takes anything the wrong way.


Second Lieutenant
Paige, we all understand.
And we're all here for you and are deeply saddened by this.
Last year my best friend died, so i understand how hard it is to lose someone so close.


|KKK|s wise lesbian
Former Krew Member
Thank you Riku.

It is hard, and I'm sure nearly everyone has experienced loss to some level at least. i just don't want anyone to be taken off guard.


|K3| Member
That must be hard, like riku said we understand, you and your family are in our thoughts


Former Krew Member
Hey Paige, I know this is a tough time for you. Without a doubt I will pray for you and you family. Remember to stay strong, and if you need anyone to talk to or let it out on, I'm here.


|KKK|s wise lesbian
Former Krew Member
Thank you guys. I truly appreciate it. It's been a rough day, waiting to hear about autopsy scheduling and Funeral plans. I'm hoping I can attend. I guess my biggest thing right now, is I want to be with my dad. I know that sounds childish but I do. My family here isn't to affected by it, they met her once and didn't like her.


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
I'm also very sorry for your loss Paige. Me and my twin lost our little bro in a car wreck about 7 years ago so we certainly know how hard it is. It's not childish at all either, considering how you felt about her.. whether the family your with liked her or not. It's all about how you felt about her. Any of us will be here for ya if you need anything. My thoughts and prayers will be with you also.


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
Paige, my deepest condolences to you and your dad!

I personally haven't felt a loss like this but I can only imagine what you're going through. I'm sorry, Paige.


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
Very sry for ur loss paige. this is something I have always said to people that lose family. Remember their good things, respect them and be like them in those ways. Its the best thing you could do for them.


|KKK|s wise lesbian
Former Krew Member
I just want to tell all of you thank you, I appreciate all of you keeping me and my dad in your thoughts and prayers. You're understanding means more than you think to me.


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
Paige,you have been like a sister to a lot of ppl here,don't hesitate to ask to talk,you've always been generous with your time and advice. Peace to you sis..G

Joe Momma

First Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
The world works in weird ways. No one knows what might happen. I'm sorry paige, I know how you feel. It's tough. Hope everything gets better soon...


|KKK| Member and Official post whore
Former Krew Member
I am deeply sorry to hear Paige, I shall keep you and your Father in my thoughts and prayers.
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