Temp ban for no reason



I was temporarily banned for no reason....I wasnt spawn camping or hacking or anything. I just killed a guy and bam got kicked........What was that for?


|KKK| Gaming Legend
|K3| Member
You were using scroll fire.. I warned someone earlier so you can consider yourself warned as well.. See you in an hour


I dont use Scroll fire! I can't even download hacks or cheats. So I dont use scroll fire at all. I even don't know what is that!


Staff Sergeant
Dude, Calm down...Its only an hour ban...You didnt even need to come and apeal the ban. Cool your jets, It's not the end of the world for getting temp banned


lol okay, but I was having a good round. It kinda sucks to lose it all of sudden. But if I was scrolling, please tell me how to stop that because i totally dont know what is that.


|KKK| Gaming Legend
|K3| Member
Warnings were given. Was i expected to hug him? The krew voted to keep that rule.

- Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk by ThePeaceMaker


|K3| Member
Well, looks like either way, this dudes alive and wants to play again.

I would make sure he knows the rules, apologize just in case there was some mix up, and take care of interstaff issues/problems somewhere besides the first thread this dude sees on our forum.

But that's just me. And I'm me.
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