Single Core Introduction



Name: Justin

CoD4 Username: Singlecore

Username Meaning: About a year ago my duel core rig that I put a lot of money and time into was fried by lightning(God bless Oklahoma). Since then, I have been running everything on an AMD 64++ single core rig, with an 8400GS card. 2gigs of ram. It's a POS, but plays CoD4 great at 1600x900 res on medium. Single core simply refers to the fact that I'm playing on an ancient rig. I like the way it sounds, and it's simple, so I stuck with it.

Location: Oklahoma City, Oklahoma

Age: 25

Steam Account: Yoruichi, but I haven't had steam installed in over 6 months. I have no problem re-installing if required.

X-fire: Never had it.

Experience: I started playing FPS games when Quake 3 arena came out. After plying that for a few solid months, I Joined a highly competitive clan and was an officer with them for almost 2 years. I actually still play from time to time via, and I still believe no fps has ever set the bar as high as Quake 3 in terms of reflex FPS. I moved on to Doom 3 for a while, and played some rainbow six on the side. I started playing Cod4 about 3 years ago. I leveled twice to 55(mostly on that Crossfire and Broadcast FFA server when there was no hackers...) then stopped playing for over a year because of touring with a jazz combo. I picked this game up again about 3 months ago, which was the birth of Single Core. Just like riding a bike. :)

Time I play: Any time between 4 pm and 2 am. I am most active late at night, between 10pm and 2am.

Ever been in Krew/clan: Just in Quake 3 arena. Clan was [R.I.P.]. We were the longest lasting clan in that games history from what I understand. A few of the members that lived in CA traveled a lot to do low paying competitions, during the short window that the game was popular enough for such things.

Things about myself: Lived in OK my whole life. I am very easy going and pretty much always in a great mood. I studied Music Education at Oklahoma Baptist University. I am an avid jazz musician, and drummer. I also love outdoor climbing, but I hate camping. I was recently in a very long term relationship (5 years). It ended about 2 months ago. Yes I am fine;) I'm living back with my folks for the moment, which is slightly embarrassing, but also awesome because I haven't relaxed in over 6 years. I am a HUGE video game freak, but only in the classic sense. I don't play anything newer than the ps2/gamecube/xbox generation, and I mainly stick to the generations before that. I'm not old fashion, I am just extremely unimpressed with modern games. There are of course exceptions, like dead space:bounce: I love Star Trek, and House MD. ....and harry potter.......and your cartoon server. <3


Former Krew Member
Welcome to the forums, Justin! Really enjoyed the intro! Hope to play with you some more in one of our servers!

No Mercy

Master Sergeant
|K3| Member
|K3| Media Team
Hey dude! Most interesting intro ive seen by far! At least your pc isnt as shit as my laptop lol


Thanks for the warm welcome! I just started playing your zombies server as well and it is HIGHLY addictive.
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