No I'm still yer number 1 guy who suddenly got his skills overnight!So does this mean that Cent0's demoted? That would make my day!P.S. Hope to see ya around again more often fool!
Ill be leaving and moving to a house down the street >=D Hopefully I should be getting better internet![]()
Our next door neighbors house was the last house to get cable internet (the street is pretty long) now in our new house we should be able to get ADSL +2![]()
I don't understand. You can't get cable now? As long as you have a phone line you can get ADSL
If your new place can get cable it will whip ADSL's butt.
Our new place has no cable (major) Our ADSL is a third of the speed. We were getting 24 down on cable, now it's like 6 or 8 at best.
well since the admins havent made a button for this i guess i just have to write it: analblaster says fuck you for this dickpost!
well it was goodone tho, glad ur staying mercy! KKK rules!