Server 3


Second Lieutenant
Admins, at approximatly 5:41 PM Pacific Standard Time I reported this. two left feet was in the server, and one round he got a good score. So I decided to watch him. He is level 55 with M16 with a silencer. His perks are Bomb Squad, UAV Jammer and Steady Aim. And he would shoot across the map not even scoping in and kill someone. And he spins around like a mother. Keep a look out.

Also, he would shoot, and then reload and almost right away - in the middle of what would be my reload even with Sleight of Hand, would shoot.


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
I have always been suspicious of two left feet ever since i first played against him. I have spectated him many, many times and i have never seen him aim down the sights once with his M16, yet he gets kills from quite far away with it. I'm not sure how you know his perks unless you asked him about it, but i would figure he has on double tap and steady aim to be able to get so many kills without aiming.


Second Lieutenant
I saw it. If you get killed by the person you see their perks.

He had
Bomb Squad
UAV Jammer
Steady Aim

He seems very suspicious. He killed me across the map on crossfire.


|KKK| Sargasaurus
Keep an eye on him...i'm not so suspicious but already have some strange kill with him too...Regardless to his score, yeah i know he got good score but not all the time then i doubt he's using hack.

For Crossfire, is this happend once or several times? Maybe just luck if its once, but if its constant it become to be strange.


Second Lieutenant
Happened about three times. And I had UAV Jammer, Dead Silence and Silenced weapon and he was sitting there waiting for me to come around the corner. I'm like wtf


The Merchant of Venom
|K3| Legend
I just now was watching him and I see what you mean. He has a nasty habit of firing from the hip exclusively. It's true he got some crazy kills but he also missed a lot which kept on getting him killed. I hold that he's not cheating because let's face it if you were going to hack wouldn't you choose to do something that actually aided your playing? You just get lucky shots if you keep going after them.


Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
Yeah guys I don't remember playing with him for some time now, but I will also keep an eye out for him.

Dustyn, nice signature man as it fits you perfectly :p


I personally haven't noticed anything out of the ordinary with him. He never really scores that well when I'm around, but I could record some games of him for you if you like? It really just sounds like he's dumb and lucky, not illegitimate. Who knows, though, maybe there is some bullet hack that makes them super-accurate at a distance.


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
No shit i couldn't even score with a room full of out of work hookers if godless was there.


Lol. Well, he doesn't really appear different than anyone else to me. I never watch killcams, though, so who knows.


Second Lieutenant
Well, I haven't seen him in the servers for some time. But if I see him, I'll be sure to watch him.



i have a question at server 3

what is the code for server three


Staff Sergeant
|K3| Legend

if you dont get it just STFU!!!!!!!!!!!! its from movie
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