Dedicated To Our Troops


Second Lieutenant
|K3| Member
War, needs to stop!

imo stopping the war would be worse as it would just signal us giving up and could leed to far worse things happening closer to home but quite a few people just take what the have and give no thought to the people that go out and fight to give us what we have and to keep it.


Staff Sergeant
So, you want more people to die? and Im saying no war at all for all of the countries.


Second Lieutenant
|K3| Member
no i was saying that if we was to back down now before the job is done the people we had been fighting might see it as a sign of weakness and lauch their own attack. which would mean the war would now been on home soil and that would be far worse. i dont see any good that would come of leaving this job half done thats all im saying and i dont see that the world will ever be without war as you look back in time and people were always fighting about something or other (thats just how life is as sad as it is until people stop doing bad things, bad things will happen)

In an ideal world (this is no ideal world tho) there would be no war but once you start something like a war you need to finish it or risk attacks from the enemy or other people that now see you as weak/push over.


Second Lieutenant
IF there were no wars.... There are advantages and disadvantages but nothing will be worth a solders life


I'm back :)
Former Krew Member
So you're saying that if the death of one soldier would cause total peace and wellbeing in the world, it would not be worth it?


Resident Brony
Former Krew Member
Ok say a stranger gave you a box. Inside the box is a red button. If you push the button you will receive 1,000,000 dollars, but someone you don't know will die. Would you push the button?
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