Ok this game requires to to know cod4. You have to come up with a perk,map,weap,or any person in cod4 <<choose 1 only
Using this format
Information: (If person)What he says in-game (If weapon) Its color (If map) Indoor or outdoor or both (If perk) Is it often used by players? Yes,no,or little bit
More Information: (If Person) Hes team Marines,Sas,Or Russian (If weapon) What type is it (If perk) Which slot it belongs to? (If map) more intel
Here I will give a example of each
More Information:Assault rifle
Type: Person
Informationur blood has been spilled on out soil
More Information: Russian
Information:Yes very much
More Information:Slot 3
Information:Both indoor and outdoor
More Information:Sunny
LOL pretty hard for map huh?
Whoever first posts gets to ask the question.If you posted a question please pm me the answer so we can continue the game if your offline.If you know the answer to the question first post the answer only!Do not post the question Because you do not know if you're correct.I will reply to your answer if you are correct you can post the question. Remember you only ask 1 question, those were examples!
If you are confused or have questions please pm me
THanks hope you like the game
Using this format
Information: (If person)What he says in-game (If weapon) Its color (If map) Indoor or outdoor or both (If perk) Is it often used by players? Yes,no,or little bit
More Information: (If Person) Hes team Marines,Sas,Or Russian (If weapon) What type is it (If perk) Which slot it belongs to? (If map) more intel
Here I will give a example of each
More Information:Assault rifle
Type: Person
Informationur blood has been spilled on out soil
More Information: Russian
Information:Yes very much
More Information:Slot 3
Information:Both indoor and outdoor
More Information:Sunny
LOL pretty hard for map huh?
Whoever first posts gets to ask the question.If you posted a question please pm me the answer so we can continue the game if your offline.If you know the answer to the question first post the answer only!Do not post the question Because you do not know if you're correct.I will reply to your answer if you are correct you can post the question. Remember you only ask 1 question, those were examples!
If you are confused or have questions please pm me
THanks hope you like the game
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