ch3xm1x Intro aka "my left nut"



Name: Nick Srader
CoD4 Username: ch3xm1x aka "my left nut"
Explain the meaning of your username: a nickname a girl i used to like gave me
Location: Apple Valley, Minnesota
Age: 18
Steam: no
X-Fire: no
Months/Yrs. of Gaming Experience: 4-5 years
Time you usually play: anytime i can get on. usually night but sometimes days
How did you hear about us? I play on your "Broadcast" server
Did someone refer you or you came on your own freewill? I came here on my own
If so, please let us know who referred you here:

Have you been in a Krew/clan before? If so, what's the name of the Krew/clan? No i haven't. This would be the first if i get accepted

Anything else you'd like for us to know about yourself: I'm out of high school with some college under my belt. I'm a hard worker but I'm out of a job because of knee surgery. I love spending time learning about cars and how they work. I want to go to school to become a mechanic. I love soccer, basketball and baseball. I played all three in high school. If you have any questions, just ask away.
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yeah it is me. i just wasnt sure if my name would make a difference in the process

Sgt. Saunders

Private First Class
my name is mike foley

cod 4 name is litle john
meaning of the name is from a tv show i loved watching called combat back in the 60s
location is sunny florida usa
age is 56
dont have steam
i have x fire my name is sgt saunders another name from combat.
ive been playing cod 4 for about a year now
usually play in the afternoons after 200pm. eastern standard time
i was browsing the server list and found you guys started playing and loved the server
tito recomended me to you guys
never played in the crunch crew before
im retired from the army i love working on cars and building computers and love cod 4 and cod 5, and wolfenstein
enemy terroritory, medal of honor not buying black ops think its a waste of my money.
if you would like to know anything else about me just ask my email is hope you guys consider me
as a member of your crew thanks much mike aka little john
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