S1 has been laggy again lately, this morning I wake up and its frozen. You can join the game but it was just frozen at the score screen. I seen it happen before someone just needs to reset it, well theres the other issue by the looks of it s1 has been modeless for at least 4 hours if not more. This kind of ruins the fun for many morning/very late night players. I know staff does there best and all, not complaining about any of them you all do a great job. But its time to take in consideration that you have not picked anyone who is really on at theses times and I question my self why? Day time theres almost never a time a mod isnt available because we have so many of them comes morning this place is dead most of the time. May I suggest maybe Cento besides me hes the only guy whos on at these times telling players hes not a mod over and over again. Just trying to help out and possibly fix this situation.