The Ultimate Quickscope Guide
This will sort of be like the sniper guide up top in here, but instead it is just strictly quickscoping. I will give you the best quickscoping set up for your classes, tips, tutorials, and other great stuff to help you become a successful quickscoper.
Class Setup
Primary Weapon: Barret .50 Cal or Intervention
Secondary weapon: Pistol
Equipment: Throwing knife
Special Grenade: Stun Grenades
Perk 1: Sleight Of Hand Pro
Perk 2: Stopping Power Pro
Perk 3: Steady Aim Pro
Deathstreak: Martyrdom
Brief Tutorial: Quickscoping
Quickscoping is a very tricky skill that can be hard without the right set up. The above set up is what I use, and what I recommend trying out. Quickscoping is when you zoom in through the scope very slightly, so that right when you know the person is in your cross hairs you can fire, and kill them in one hit if performed correctly. That just about sums it up.
Similar Moves
Here are some things that are similar to quickscoping and fall basically within the average snipers vocabulary.
No Scope: Obviously, a Snipe without zooming in through the scope at all, close range mostly.
Drag Scope: A form of a quickscope which involves the quickscope only you don't have them sighted at first, and move your scope up, down, or a side and shoot them in the moving motion. Short to mid range.
Hard Scope: Not what we are focusing on, but this is what most snipers do, Aim down the sights for a long period of time (i.e 2-10 seconds) and then firing. This can be long to short range.
Tips and Strategy
-Try not to stand still, when trying to land the quickscope, make sure to either jump to the side, crouch and go prone or as most of you know it a drop shot. These are very helpful for dodging enemy fire.
-The reason you want to use throwing knives is because using one is basically the same as quickscoping in the fast paced nature of it. You must have fast reaction time, great aim, and time. These are meant for close quarters.
-Reaction Time. You must be able to walk into a room not knowing where someone is, they maybe shoot at you and then you turn around a quickscope them. That is basically what it takes. You will most likely be shot before you see someone unless behind them. You need the fast reaction time or you are wasting your time.
-Proper use of cover. If you see that you are getting shot at and you cant find the person, go prone to give you that extra second to find them if in the open, or hide behind anything possible to let them come to you, or to give yourself the opportunity to think where they could be.
-Practice. Get with some friends and start up a quickscope match, free for all, TDM, Search, whatever you plan on doing in a Public Match, and use the sniper rifle. You may also want to make it interventions only for fairness, up to you.
-Close range, with the sniper, you shoot and get a hit marker, at the second you don't kill them, hit Y and keep slamming that trigger finger down until you kill them, switch to the sniper again. Hopefully you won't get hit markers, and you will kill them in one hit. If you continue to get hit markers, try hardcore.
-ACOG gives you a better target at close range, and is recommended for close quarters maps such as Favela, Terminal, and Scrapyard. NOT like Quarry, Underpass, or big maps.
-You want to put your sensitivity on Insane to 7, anything below probably won't fit the needs of quikies
I didnt write this.. I just stole it :leghumper:
This will sort of be like the sniper guide up top in here, but instead it is just strictly quickscoping. I will give you the best quickscoping set up for your classes, tips, tutorials, and other great stuff to help you become a successful quickscoper.
Class Setup
Primary Weapon: Barret .50 Cal or Intervention
Secondary weapon: Pistol
Equipment: Throwing knife
Special Grenade: Stun Grenades
Perk 1: Sleight Of Hand Pro
Perk 2: Stopping Power Pro
Perk 3: Steady Aim Pro
Deathstreak: Martyrdom
Brief Tutorial: Quickscoping
Quickscoping is a very tricky skill that can be hard without the right set up. The above set up is what I use, and what I recommend trying out. Quickscoping is when you zoom in through the scope very slightly, so that right when you know the person is in your cross hairs you can fire, and kill them in one hit if performed correctly. That just about sums it up.
Similar Moves
Here are some things that are similar to quickscoping and fall basically within the average snipers vocabulary.
No Scope: Obviously, a Snipe without zooming in through the scope at all, close range mostly.
Drag Scope: A form of a quickscope which involves the quickscope only you don't have them sighted at first, and move your scope up, down, or a side and shoot them in the moving motion. Short to mid range.
Hard Scope: Not what we are focusing on, but this is what most snipers do, Aim down the sights for a long period of time (i.e 2-10 seconds) and then firing. This can be long to short range.
Tips and Strategy
-Try not to stand still, when trying to land the quickscope, make sure to either jump to the side, crouch and go prone or as most of you know it a drop shot. These are very helpful for dodging enemy fire.
-The reason you want to use throwing knives is because using one is basically the same as quickscoping in the fast paced nature of it. You must have fast reaction time, great aim, and time. These are meant for close quarters.
-Reaction Time. You must be able to walk into a room not knowing where someone is, they maybe shoot at you and then you turn around a quickscope them. That is basically what it takes. You will most likely be shot before you see someone unless behind them. You need the fast reaction time or you are wasting your time.
-Proper use of cover. If you see that you are getting shot at and you cant find the person, go prone to give you that extra second to find them if in the open, or hide behind anything possible to let them come to you, or to give yourself the opportunity to think where they could be.
-Practice. Get with some friends and start up a quickscope match, free for all, TDM, Search, whatever you plan on doing in a Public Match, and use the sniper rifle. You may also want to make it interventions only for fairness, up to you.
-Close range, with the sniper, you shoot and get a hit marker, at the second you don't kill them, hit Y and keep slamming that trigger finger down until you kill them, switch to the sniper again. Hopefully you won't get hit markers, and you will kill them in one hit. If you continue to get hit markers, try hardcore.
-ACOG gives you a better target at close range, and is recommended for close quarters maps such as Favela, Terminal, and Scrapyard. NOT like Quarry, Underpass, or big maps.
-You want to put your sensitivity on Insane to 7, anything below probably won't fit the needs of quikies
I didnt write this.. I just stole it :leghumper: