New Game Suggestions


I am thinking about buying a new game because I have beat most of my games and the ones I haven't, I am bored of. :p

The game system I was thinking of buying the new game for is either the PS3 or the PC.

Any suggestions and/or ideas would be helpful. :D


Second Lieutenant
|K3| Member
might good idea to give people an idea of what games you have already so they know what sort of games your into fella


Sorry. Here are most of them:

Call of Duty Modern Warfare, Call of Duty World at War, and Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2
Madden 09 and 10
NCAA Football 09 and 10
Assassin's Creed 2
Fallout 3
Army of Two
Resistance Fall of Man
Sega Rally Revo
MotorStorm 2

I like basically anything...


Thanks guys. I'm renting Left 4 Dead 2 this week and if I don't like it , then I will get one of the Battlefield games. I watched trailers of both and they both look really fun.


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
Hey dude add me on ps3, i play madden 10 also. i cant think of my name right now so leave me yours if you want to have a game or two sometime. Some games to check out - Mass effect 2, command and conquer 4 (comming out soon), bioshock 2 or borderlands.


Staff Sergeant
|K3| Legend
Mass effect 1 and 2 for sure.

Ps3 must plays are uncharted1 and 2 and definately mgs4 but if u have never played metal gear solid I highly suggest playing the first 3. Trust me u won't regret it.

God of war 3 is closely approaching...I'm scheduling off 4 days for that.

Xbox musts ............that burger king game is all I can think of


Staff Sergeant
|K3| Legend
Oh yeah bioshock was awesome. Still haven't played the second. I give the first one a two woots up!


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
OH man i forgot about uncharted. HOW COULD I!. I played the first one, not the seconds which is spose to be even better so i would highly recco. those. The first was epic, i played 7 hours a night and beat it in two days lol.


Staff Sergeant
|K3| Legend
Uncharted2 is to uncharted 1 as |KKK| is to [BoK]. Its that much better. U gotta get that D! Rent it though...its not worth buying unless the online multiplayer is good or ur into collecting all those treasures. It can be beat in a weekend easily.


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
After getting and playing fallout 3 i can say it is epic. Mass effect two is also awesome.


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
But l4d2 for the pc man its great fun if you have good friends, otherwise buy god of war 3 for the ps3. That game is beast, otherwise wait for just cause 2 to come out, its the new GTA :D
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