BO not fun?



Everybody seems to be saying that BO isnt enjoyable and was a waste of money.
Can you guys list your reasons for this? ive found it to be very enjoyable overall.

My Problems:

Weird killstreaks, most take way to much out of my shoot 'em up time on the ground.
chopper gunners are easy kills but no fun, napalm and b-52 are way over powered and any noob who camps for four kills can get some of the best killstreaks in the game.

Funky maps, as in: firing range fuks with my head because of all the moving peices. I waste half my ammo randomly shooting a target that moved.

The m60 (big ammo.) <--WTF why they ever included this camper/noob friendly gun and upgrade into this game is beyond me. it takes no skill or practice to point at a spawn or a common entry/exit point and shoot sporiadically every half second for the rest of the map without reloading more than twice.

in other words i get really aggravated at a few of the small details, but only a few.

NO problems with zombies, cept private match scores arent included in scoreboards

So whats you guys take on this?

(BTW pwnsauce needs to put something here at least, 'cuz all he ever does is scream at how it sucks) XD


|K3| Member
The game in general seems very clunky to me.

The maps lack the depth of those in CoD4, despite their being more complex. They have lots of useless points and mechanics that just add to clutter and not function.

The game is noob friendly in the worst sense. It limits the ability of seasoned players to own noobs in the hope that noobs will have a better shot of doing better in general. This should never be part of a game.

The spawns are retarded on all the maps I've played. Yea, big ffa in cod4 have bad spawns, but that's something you can learn to work around. It seems in BO that the maps were specifically designed to promote Team Spawn raping on tdm and such.

I love zombies and single player.


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
I never played black ops, but I don't like the fact you can control the kill streaks. In cod4 all you can control is where your airstrike is going to fall. One of the developers said COD4 is all about the player and his gun. Cod4 is more about the gun fights. He said black ops is going to be like that, but I think if you can actually shoot people with the chopper gunner then that makes it about kill streaks. If some of the same players from COD4 move to black ops, then I can already see a big problem with that. Some people spawn camping or doing some douche bag move long enough to get a heli, and I can see them doing that in black ops and winning the game because they got good kill streaks.


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
I personally have fun in BO. Nuketown/Domination combo is my favorite game. You can prestige in a matter of hours playing in that scenario; has to be hardcore though.

As of late, I've been playing a lot of wager matches. I have a lot of fun in gun game, and sticks and stones.

I'd give it a 9/10 and that's only because lately the game freezes everything I try to access the server browser list.


Lieutenant Colonel
|K3| Member
play it on xbox, no lag

welll, the killstreaks are worse than MW2s, only bad thing in mw2 was harrier and nuke.

and graphics are worse than mw2, COD took a step backwards in graphics-wise IMO.


I'm back :)
Former Krew Member
I love the wager matches, especially oneinthechamber and sticks and stones.


Second Lieutenant
|K3| Member
Treyarch sucks monkey balls in the graphic department. My laptop can run mw2 and the new medal of honor with tiny bits of lag, but waw takes the cake for torturous lag. Hence why BO sucks in graphics.


My main issue with BO is that you can get pwnt b/c of problems with the game.
Most notably how there's a slight lag in where you point the weapon.

I mean, with COD4 it's so responsive and precise that if you get killed you weren't fast enough.
With BO, lag gets me killed most of the time.

Plus BO looks like a cartoon, you can't search for servers or players by keyword (Like KKK)
Battlefield BC2 also looks like a cartoon and has some lag so I'm not very hopeful it will be any better.
We'll see.

I just wish they had improved on COD4 rather than rewrite it altogether.
Would have been much better.


Former Krew Member
these threads are getting old, its either you like the game or you dont. But im sure we already got everyones opinion like 10 times lol


|KKK| Gaming Legend
|K3| Member
the only issue I have with BlackOPs is server related.. I can save some servers as a favorite but not others.. Other than that the game is great


|K3| Member
I personally have fun in BO. Nuketown/Domination combo is my favorite game. You can prestige in a matter of hours playing in that scenario; has to be hardcore though.

As of late, I've been playing a lot of wager matches. I have a lot of fun in gun game, and sticks and stones.

I'd give it a 9/10 and that's only because lately the game freezes everything I try to access the server browser list.

This is also what makes the game cool. The actual gameplay of regular gametypes is lame. The other features of the game are cool as shit.


Ya i agree that one person camping for 8 kills shouldnt be able to win the entire game becuz he had a killstreak.
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