F.e.a.r. 3


|K3| Member
I already have this game pre-ordered and the gameplay for it was really amazing. It brought the horror of the very first First Encounter Assault Recon back and it was great. I know it comes out May 19 or 26 something like that.

I was thinking if anyone else was thinking on getting this or had a opinion of their own?


Second Lieutenant
|K3| Member
Can I suggest Amnesia the Dark Descent? It's a very good game.can also serve as a constipation aid.


|K3| Member
Hehe. I have never heard of those, they seem like underground games (what I mean is unknown to the public.)


Second Lieutenant
|K3| Member
Nope. It has got some pretty decent coverage, some calling it the best horror game in a long time. They are from an Indie developper I bilieve. It's on sale for half the price on Steam right now.


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
I've only played the first FEAR game but it was the demo. Single player was amazing, but multilayer was so lame. Off topic- Mortal Kombat nine is coming out. I always liked those games.


Lieutenant Colonel
|K3| Member
I think i might try homefront, just cuz i heard theres korea in it, LOL


Second Lieutenant
|K3| Member
Don't cent. It's not that good. And Damn am I excited for mortal kombat nine. Demo was awesome.


|K3| Member
Oh idk I got FEAR 3 on reserve so when I get it ill tell you guys how it is.

OH i just got FIFA 11..FUCKIN BEAST


|K3| Member
I never bought the game ;)

I actually got it for free.

All my games are under 10 bucks. I sell games too in order to get more.


Second Lieutenant
|K3| Member
Hihi. Ever sold most of your good game then found out that the game you bought was mediocre or even bad?


|K3| Member
Actually...no. I seriously never regret selling any. The only one I believe was Ace Combat 4 on the PS2 for WoW....:(
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