The make Fun of Cent0's skinny pants thread


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
[22:43] Cent0: I needa go buy some new skinnies

You cant say that and not get made fun of.

3..2..1.. GO!





Lieutenant Colonel
|K3| Member
Just cuz you're too fat to wear em doesn't mean I am!
How Rude!
I think i'll go cry now in my pillow.
Ohh, the bullying, the cyberbullying!

hahah, but seriously, everyone -whos cool, sorry Silo-wears em.At least, they are a popular fashion around California, fershur.
anysuggestions as to wut kind i should get? :]

I'm going to korea this summer, and they seelllll Nudie jeans for 30 FUCKING BUCKS. $150 RETAIL FOR 30 AT KOREA.
Ohhh yeah, shopping big-time there.
^reminds me, i have to make a post bout Korea and disneyland later too, lol.




Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
I agree with Fishy, if that's the popular "thing" in Cali then you must be living in San Fransisco then, LOL.


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
Cent0, even chubby kids are wearing skinny jeans. That's royally Ghey!

Do your legs even get enough circulation? How can you play bball in 'em during lunch time? :giggle:


|K3| Member
Cent0 has to stand up to get into his pockets..............


---------- Post added at 10:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:59 AM ----------

LMAO damage whos that dude on the right stairing at those guys asses?


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
There was never a picture of Cent0 in skinny jeans.

It all started last night when Cent0 said something about skinnies. I immediately thought he was talking about those Ghey skinny pants. Turns out, I was right.

It snowballed from there.

Cent0, why you gotta be so Ghey? :giggle:

On a funny note, my iPhone now capitalizes the "G" in Ghey! :haha:


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
Pwn read the OP ffs.

I was at the store today and saw one of the stock boys wearing skinny jeans and converse. I laughed so loud he gave me a look. Geezuz, i wanted to smash those milk gallons over his head and beat some sense into him. I lived in Calif for 18 years. The only people i saw wearing them were stuffed into trashcans and lockers. Oh, and the EMO kids who hung out at Knife and sword shop.


|K3| Member
The people I saw wear them were... yea the emo kids... and mostly kids who felt the need to show their leg shape to separate themselves from us shapelesslegpeople. Now that it is IN fashion, I can only assume that those same people will be wearing super baggy pants or some weirdass spandex shit.

Just like this one gay dude at my highschool. A month after he admitted he was gay, he acted SO flamboyantly so, as if he had never acted another way. He's going to school in new york. It's gonna suck for him, cuz there are tons of flamboyantly gay kids.... he isn't so special anymore... lol. As if we cared that he was gay.

So be who you are! Wear skinny jeans! 3 things to identify with!
1. Korean
2. Pitching Tents at Tent Parties
3. Skinny Jeans

Your caricature would look hilarious.
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