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Epic spawntrap on Havana in Call of Duty Black Ops
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Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
remember when we played the old kkk? Thats how they won. Their players really lack skill.
If they spawn trapped you in domination, then that's good team work on their part. That's kind of the point of domination. In this video they only spawn in one spot, cod4 will start spawning the other team behind their enemy.


|K3| Member
It was TDM. It was 6v6, cod4 maps are not that big. If we had done 2v2 they would have lost. Why? Because people who simply spawntrap do not know how to deal with finding players who have already left the spawn. 6v6 did not give us opportunity for that. 2v2 would have, and possibly even 3v3.
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Former Krew Member
Meh ive played a bunch of online BO never seen anything close to this, you normally spawn all over the map, the video plays so fast to so you cant be sure if hes hacking or not also, the guy who posted it dosent even know if its legit lol


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
this is sick! I mean, common, how can u be proud of that! Its like those vids with hack and amazing scores. Theres nothing to be proud there.


|K3| Member
I have noticed on nuketown on a full server i will spawn into the bullets of the enemy if 1-3 of them are in our base, as most of their team is on the opposite side. You will notice this happening even in 2v2's on killhouse in CoD4.


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
Yeah I agree with blu, I would never stay in a server with a cheap ass player like that. Like

Tras said how could anyone be proud of playing like that?? But then again there's idiots that

love to hack, so maybe that's the answer.
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