
I'm back :)
Former Krew Member
Both me and convicted_felon thought that VoX was wallhacking, then toggled off while damage was on, he is a member of the forums, and plays on s1 a lot, I hate to think that he is a hacker, but it sure looked like it.

I also noticed in a thread somewhere that he had insulted the krew, is this really the type of guy we want on the forums?

Just thought i'd post this to see what you guys think.



K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
Well i was in S1 before Vox even showed up. I watched him play. He did wallbang a ton, but sometimes he got kills and sometimes he didnt. Pretty similar to how The Dude plays.


Private First Class
Normally he plays fair, but after playing with him earlier [1st] he was on a different name, Might've been testing his glitch/hack/exploit or something....But wallbang is wallbang, & cheating is cheating, IMO he was SUSPECT, He'd round a corner [looking at the wall] & already be aimming to shoot [SIGN of a hacker], He had so many BS excuses, it was kind of rediculous, 1st it was SOUND, when you staystill, camping...he comes & knows where to shoot, without having a UAV! & Not even seeing you, & just spam the walls - He claims he always does it, I played against em alot, & he does'nt just randomly spam a wall,who does that? how often do u run to awall & shoot it up? hoping someone is behind it? unless you KNOW someone was there then you'd shoot it up, He did it so many times, I honestly thouhgt he was gonna get banned by the admin/console that was on, Felon also noticed it, I dont know what he noticed, But he definitely called em out, & a few minutes later..he changed to his original name, to me it dont matter what name you changed too, I know a hacker when i see one, & for the most part IMO im about 80 percent sure that one is hacking, Im not a hater, or hating on em, but tonite he was clearly on some hacking shit...


|K3| Member
Convicted, if you think i hack , youre judgenment is faulty and this is worthless diagnosis. If you do not think i hack, i will reread your post.


Former Krew Member
I dont know that Vox is hacking or not. But get a kill through the wall you do not need to be a hacker. If you use deep impact perk it is so easy even if you know the map and your enemies' route. Anyway, I will spectate Vox more often.


Normally he plays fair, but after playing with him earlier [1st] he was on a different name, Might've been testing his glitch/hack/exploit or something....But wallbang is wallbang, & cheating is cheating, IMO he was SUSPECT, He'd round a corner [looking at the wall] & already be aimming to shoot [SIGN of a hacker], He had so many BS excuses, it was kind of rediculous, 1st it was SOUND, when you staystill, camping...he comes & knows where to shoot, without having a UAV! & Not even seeing you, & just spam the walls - He claims he always does it, I played against em alot, & he does'nt just randomly spam a wall,who does that? how often do u run to awall & shoot it up? hoping someone is behind it? unless you KNOW someone was there then you'd shoot it up, He did it so many times, I honestly thouhgt he was gonna get banned by the admin/console that was on, Felon also noticed it, I dont know what he noticed, But he definitely called em out, & a few minutes later..he changed to his original name, to me it dont matter what name you changed too, I know a hacker when i see one, & for the most part IMO im about 80 percent sure that one is hacking, Im not a hater, or hating on em, but tonite he was clearly on some hacking shit...

I shoot through walls all the time dude, just shoot at the ones that cover high traffic area's. That's not abnormal if you know the right spots. =O


I'm back :)
Former Krew Member
Nah thedude, he wasn't doing what you do, he was aiming, then following our progress through the wall, then shooting when we got into the open, not just wallbanging.


Private First Class
theDUDE that normally plays doesn't cheat, or IMO plays fair...But if that was you earlier as Sunman [i think], Then VoX, <--- Suspect, Don't know what trick you had up your sleeves, But definitely was on some Hacking shit, could've been you, your bro or someone in your house, But im pretty sure THAT person was on suspect type shit...I have no reason to BS you or anyone, I know what i saw, been playing the game for years, & you was playing fishy!...Not trying to come at you on wrong, calling it how i see it


The dead giveaway is following targets through walls or "looking" at walls while moving.
Wall banging is no tell really, plenty of players just spam walls to get hit markers.


I'm back :)
Former Krew Member
That's what he was doing AVC, following us through walls, then shooting us when we were in the open.


Second Lieutenant
Former Krew Member
funny ive always that convicted felon as a hacker cause he is always 1st in s1--lol i think him as 1 not he is 1 so i dont bother getting proof

well anyways on topic he doesnt hack sides if u know s1 enough u can c where most people go through and if u know that map as well as i do u can know where doors are at the other side of walls so if vox knows the same he know where to follow his gun through

maybe if he shoots and gets a hit marker he does use sound to tell where they are going and follow the gun
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