Vote like if you like it.
Vote Don't like if you don't like.
Please leave a reason/suggestion if you dont like it so i may improve on it.
Remember: I only have a simple version of photoshop(PhotoShop Elements 6.0) so i cannot do every effect you guys find on the internet.
PS: I will not be voting in this poll because it is completely up to you guys and i find it unfair to vote in favor of something i made as just one little vote can make a huge difference in not only the outcome but in the choices of others who vote.
Vote Don't like if you don't like.
Please leave a reason/suggestion if you dont like it so i may improve on it.
Remember: I only have a simple version of photoshop(PhotoShop Elements 6.0) so i cannot do every effect you guys find on the internet.
PS: I will not be voting in this poll because it is completely up to you guys and i find it unfair to vote in favor of something i made as just one little vote can make a huge difference in not only the outcome but in the choices of others who vote.
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