The jan 2011 patch for C0D BO


From the site:

Call of Duty: Black Ops patch improves stability

Tom Senior | News | 21/01/2011 12:57pm 17 Comments

The latest Call of Duty: Black Ops patch addresses stability issues and spruces up the interface so that you’ll be able to see your team mates on the minimap more easily. Read the full patch notes below.

The patch will be applied automatically through Steam the next time you start your game up. Here are the changes made by the latest update.

General fixes

MP Audio stuttering on certain systems.
Playercards sometimes not showing properly.
Added three Private Match Server Settings: Team Change, Team-Up Period, and Keep Balanced Teams.
Added Alternate Color Scheme for accessibility: Settings / Multiplayer / Player Name Indicator.
Changed Team-Up Period countdown interval to 10 seconds.
Combat Training sessions are no longer counted in Server Browser Unranked tab.
Friends on your team will now show as blue on your minimap.
Prevention of various exploits.
Objective markers localized for all languages.
Various stability improvements


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
The January 2011 patch fucked my game up LOL

I haven't been able to access it. It somehow starts and says fetching stats and then magically it'll go into a black screen mode which results in disabling everything 'til I force quit via Task-Manager. :(


Cento you are hurting a treu PC-Gamers soul there. !@#$%^
But dont forget that the X-box had tons of isseus too.


Lieutenant Colonel
|K3| Member
actually, xbox doesn't have THAT much issuses compared to PC from what i've heard.
i have no issues at all in xbox, compared to the legendary lag in BlackOPs for most people PC.

but hey, I'm a PC-Gamer, i always will be. Blakops just doesn't beat cod4... i liked it ALOT at first, but im feeling that blackops is basically mw2 with diff guns and killstgreaks. noobtubers are migrating into blackops -___-

anywayyys, im beast in PC, and xobx, heh, .7 KDR FTW?
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