CoD4 Username:BlaidNight
Explain the meaning of your username:dident got anny name so i just decide to take this one
Steam: i did have it but got disabled no reason
X-Fire:dont have it
Months/Yrs. of Gaming Experience:1 and half
Time you usually play:depends on homework
How did you hear about us? Did someone refer you or you came on your own freewill? If so, please let us know who referred you here:dont remeber his name
Have you been in a Krew/clan before? If so, what's the name of the Krew/clan? no
Anything else you'd like for us to know about yourself:
ye i have some trouble with my father so i dident play for like 30-40 days hes on rehab now gonna be there for 27 months kinda hard for me but i just ike chilling and have fun at school and make it great for a nice work when i grow up
CoD4 Username:BlaidNight
Explain the meaning of your username:dident got anny name so i just decide to take this one
Steam: i did have it but got disabled no reason
X-Fire:dont have it
Months/Yrs. of Gaming Experience:1 and half
Time you usually play:depends on homework
How did you hear about us? Did someone refer you or you came on your own freewill? If so, please let us know who referred you here:dont remeber his name
Have you been in a Krew/clan before? If so, what's the name of the Krew/clan? no
Anything else you'd like for us to know about yourself:
ye i have some trouble with my father so i dident play for like 30-40 days hes on rehab now gonna be there for 27 months kinda hard for me but i just ike chilling and have fun at school and make it great for a nice work when i grow up