OMFG! my mpdata file is corrupt!! My golden guns!


So here I am, I have 2 drives in the PC. One for games, one for everything else. The games drive has just that - games and a stripped down WinXP pro.

The other drive has all the crap - email, office, photos blah blah. So I'm on the "admin" drive and think what if I navigate to my COD4 executable and play on this drive.

So navigate I go. No probs. Then I get a message saying "data file problem, resetting stats" (or similar). And guess what? Back to recruit course! AAAARGH! I'm a buck private.

Fortunately I had a profile on the laptop, but no golden guns. Never really used em anyway.

Still a bummer. If anyone knows how to uncoorupt the MPDATA file let me know. I've already done a reinstall. No joy.


Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
Well AVC, as far as I am concerned with this I don't think there is a way to "un-corrupt" an mp_data file. I don't ever remember having that problem with it saying that the actual file was corrupt, but I have started the game before with it saying everything has been reset.

It's a good thing you atleast had your laptop for a backup on the game, I was not fortunate like you were but now, for sure I have a backup all the time on two drives. I made a post about backing up your profile and how to re-insert it to make it work, you can check it out here


Lieutenant Colonel
|K3| Member
Hmmm same mistake as me... i had the cod4 cd in my drive. when i turned my comp on, it was checking the files onthe dick. i think it erased my account there.T.T


Well, i dont think u need the cd to play multiplayer, well me it works without cd.


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
It's happened to me before as well! And it definitely sucks monkey penis!!!
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