Does anyone know how to make a server?



I am trying to make a server to mess around on and figure out fun stuff to do, but for some reason I cant find anything on how to make one. Can anyone help me out?


Err, you don't need to buy a dedicated server.

Go to multiplayer and start your own server from there. If you want other players to join you'll need a decent connection, but if you want to tool around and play with settings it should be fine


I ment a server that is always up and running, that i can find the IP address for and use my rcon tool to mess around with it. Or is that one i would have to buy?


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
2 ways:

-rent/lease a server (
-or have a dedicated PC to run the server

The latter will need a good PC (RAM), and depending on your upload speed will depend on how many players can join your server without lagging.

I haven't really got around to hosting my own server but I may or may not try during winter recess coming up.

I know there are tutorials online but you'll need to read a ton of them and put pieces together to have a better understanding.

The simplest way is going through gameservers though.
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