How to make binds in COD4


Resident Brony
Former Krew Member
I know there's another thread on this burid somewhere but....

1. run COD4
2. open up console '~'
3 type this =====> /bind F6 say "whatever you wnat F6 to say when you push it"
4. hit enter

To enable colors type this symbol '^' then a number (like 6) and everything you type after that will come out purple.

Here is a list of color codes...

^0 = black
^1 = red
^2 = green
^3 = yellow
^4 = blue
^5 = light blue
^6 = purple
^7 = white
^8 = Only When Playing as American = Dark Green
^8 = Only When Playing as Russian = Light Red
^8 = Only When Playing as British = Dark Blue
^8 = Only When Playing as German = Gray
^9 = grey


/bind F3 "say ^1You ^7Got ^4Rolled"

That makes the 'You' appear in red, 'Got' in white and the 'Rolled' in blue.

If you add "_team" then these binds show only to your team.


/bind F9 "say_team ^2OMG! Someone kill that guy! LOL!"


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
your post has been deleted No Mercy. That isn't allowed here.


Resident Brony
Former Krew Member
Yeah you didn't have to use F6 It couldve been whatever key you wanted, and yes " " should go on the outside of what you want ure bind to say


Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
Yeah, pretty much Nick lol. And to the comment about it not working, I don't know why Clip shows to use quotes but I never used quotation marks on mine and it's always worked for me, just a though... :D


Former Krew Member
Thanks for the great tips master was gonna look up on this to but havent had time i just set up binds for warnings and welcomes for the server comes in handy :)
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