Hey =[


Private First Class
hey guys im really sorry i havnt been on but i put cod4 back on my pc and for some damn reason i get a error with a iw3p or some file like that in the cod folder..... if you know what it is pls help me
i miss cod


Lieutenant Colonel
|K3| Member
go google that...... download.........and put into cod folder... once happened to me before.


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive


Try to plug in a microphone and start COD4 again. It sounds silly, but it worked for me. They say it's (another) bug in vista..


Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
Yea it does Wally, I also happens with me and I've looked it up before but didn't really find much on it, tried the mic plugin and it was a no go.

When this happens to me since it doesn't happen often at all, I just restart the game with the normal controls and it works fine :D
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