Ah, well, if this happens, I would wait a few minutes (because you are undercover and they won't know).
oh i did, i went in and waited a while. if it were more of a mod judgement type of decision, like "is really using a hack or not???" i definately wait until i have a confirmed visual myself. But I took knifes word for it and pug and damage were in the loop on the illegal recruiters as well.
I hate banning people!!!!! It sucks that 1.6 is dying as it is and players are going to find less and less servers to play on. I want them all to play here. But the general concensus of the moderator staff and WaLLy is that recruiting is the "ultimate sin" kind of thing.
Its very disrespectful and
we all know better than to go to DSA or KTFO and start pitching |KKK|. Again I hate to drop the ban hammer, but what if they would have recruited the next PUG,BLU, or LILROODUDE......thats one less person who would be here and be active.
And the final reason......there are ample warnings in the console messages that recruiting is banable.