AVC's intro - UPDATED!


Name: Andy,my last name's initials are VC, hence AVC

CoD4 Username: AVC Guns Of Gold. Just added the gold bit after I did all the Gold Gun challenges (which I am no RE-doing due to a stuffed up profile. If I ever get to a scrimmage I'll have to drop the Golden bit |KKK|AVC GundOf Gold just won't fit. Also known as @ndy in the old clan.

Location: Sydney Australia
Age: 40 something. Old by some standards, but not too old to game.

Steam: Prefer electric, but, no

X-Fire: No. That's the talk in game thing? I reckon would be really handy for SAB and S&D, but in FFA it would shit me. I just want to hear the sound of incessant gunfire.

Have you been in clan before? If so, what's the name of the clan?
<PP> (Purging Prophets) a Half Life clan (I was <PP> @ndy)

Months/Yrs. of Experience: How long ago was Duke Nukem? Since then. Well, before then really. I used to spend a lot of time in arcades before someone invented the internet. Used to play with my mate (deathmatch) for days. Other titles we played to death were Soldier OF Fortune, Red Alert (the whole series), Redneck Rampage, Half Life (I even built a map of our building, took months), Far Cry, and RTCW, to name a few.
Used to play COD2 like a beast. I was addicted. Then an upgrade stopped me for a while, and when I went back months later no more servers (well, the ones I used to play in anyway, might have been a version thing).
I bought COD4 and it sat on the shelf for a while and now I play it I can't stop. 1.6 only seems to show mostly USA servers, but the times I play they are the most populated anyway.

Time you usually play: I work weekends and look after our 2 year old during the week, so I normally play during our day time. I get a good 1.5 hour window during Day Sleep, and can sometimes get a few 30 minute slots in here and there if Maddie is glued to the TV (which is unpredictable). Also normally get some gaming in during the evenings, but most of KKK is sleeping at that hour (although 24/7 Broadcast still gets a few players)

Anything else you'd like for us to know about yourself (not required):
I'm a Paramedic, that now works in the Control Room (which still gives me net access, but sadly, not gaming, unless I can upgrade my laptop). An electrician by trade (but mainly did security and access control systems, about a lifetime ago). Spent 10 years in the Australian Army, back in the days when we used real guns (7.62mm), but not in the Infantry. Screw that, we had big trucks!


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
Re: AVC's intro

Hey AVC welcome to the forums. We are changing the recruitment guidelines very soon so PM Mcfoe for more info. Look Forward to playing with you on the servers. Cya.


Lieutenant Colonel
|K3| Member
Re: AVC's intro

woah. no offense. ur old :D anyway. welcome to the forums and as Damage said... i guess we're changing the recruitment guidelines. so PM Mc?


Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
Re: AVC's intro

Hey AVC, sorry bud for never replying to your intro, I could have swore that I did, anyways welcome to the forum and glad to have you here bud! 8)


Hi Andy, welcome to the forum! (Although I think you have been here a month or so) ;D

I thought your name was just AVC, but now that I know who you are, I just realized that I actually play with you quite a bit.


WaLLy's Personal Favorite Krew Member
|K3| Member
|K3| Media Team
the admins have been here for a while, im doing this as a stupid joke
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