I broke my laptop........why am i so stupid


|K3| Member
Ok. I woke up this morning and my laptop was full of water. It was still plugged in and i only noticed it was full of water when I pushed the power button and it didn't do anything.

I immediately took the bottom off. It is now sitting on its side by the window.

WTF can I do? Can I salvage this thing? If not, I will be gone for quite some time.:ifeellikecrap:


Second Lieutenant
|K3| Member
put it on a radiator to dry out slowly and if i was maybe i would go to the loo instead of pissing on the laptop


|K3| Member
idk if i pissed on it and I don't understand why I would piss on the laptop in the first place. I have empty cups in my room, but idk if i use them for water or what. I had thought maybe i pissed on it, but it didn't smell or look like piss at all. It is a possibility, though.

Do you think i can get this fixed by apple? Is this covered in the warranty?


WaLLy's Personal Favorite Krew Member
|K3| Member
|K3| Media Team
mal, apple doesnt cover things like that... Apple=FAILURES but they do make a pretty nicee phone


Apple warranty doesn't cover urine filled Macbooks I think.

I would guess that the system board is fried from being shorted out by said urine and electricity.

System boards for MacBook pros are 1400+ dollars assuming your other laptop hardware is undamaged.
May be a total loss. Hope you had good backups.

Your disk drive could possibly be salvageable with its data. You might consider removing the drive, getting a USB drive enclosure so you can extract your data off it.



Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
mal, apple doesnt cover things like that... Apple=FAILURES but they do make a pretty nicee phone

How does Apple fail because they're not replacing his laptop due to water damage? Name me one company that will replace an electronic knowing it's been water damaged.

Sorry Dude, unfortunately they wont replace your laptop because of water damage. I know the iPhones have like these little triggers that turn pink as soon as water gets on them. It lets them know that the iPhone has been submerged in water.

Did you have your laptop longer than a year? If so, did you get Apple Care for it? Even if you do, like I said, they can just void your warranty if they find out that it's been water damaged.

Sorry man.


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
Most electronic devices, regardless of company, have sensors in them to detect water damage and will not replace them under any circumstance.

In Apple's defense, i had an Ipod which i dropped into the pool a few years ago. I sent it back to Apple saying it just quit working, and within a week i had a new one. Still works fine to this day.


|KKK| Gaming Legend
|K3| Member
try the cell phone drying trick.. large bag of rice and some shredded newspaper for a few days.. take the battery out 1st


Damn, Houston beat me to it.
Works great for phones that get dunked. The rice pulls the moisture out. A bit easier to do it with a phone than an entire laptop though...


Second Lieutenant
|K3| Member
idea 2 leave the laptop on a radiator or in the sun for a few days but take the battery out tho just in case it gets hot but after its been in the sun for a few days and if you can get hold of some spray some WD40 in the inside of the laptop as this will help to remove the water. use it on car electrics all the time and it works great
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