Captain Macmillan facts


Second Lieutenant
Member of the Year
Much like the Chuck Norris facts, there are now a whole bunch of Captain Macmillan facts. here are a few of my favourites:

Captain Macmillan can still hide in an urban area with his ghillie suit

When Captain Macmillian says "50,000 people used to live here but now its a ghostown" he actuly meant that he killed them all

You don't snipe Zakhaev, macmillan stops time, goes down to the meeting, rips his arm off, goes back up, you shoot, and it looks like you shot Zakhaev

Chuck Norris checks in his closet and under his bed for Macmillan every night.

Macmillan was originally a 50 kill-streak in MW2

Captain MacMillan is in MW2, you just can't see him. Ever.

You didn't kill anybody in MW2, MacMillan was too fast for you.

If anybody knows any more, please post them here
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