can you use a joystick for cod?

No Mercy

Master Sergeant
|K3| Member
|K3| Media Team
Hey Im wondering if you can use a joystick for cod, if you can, how do I?


|K3| Member
I heared that the controller will not work on call of duty 4 pc I think that the game was designed for keyboard and mouse only. But I'm sure google will help you ;)


|K3| Member
why would you want to man? Mice are much more precise. Why do you think most games that use a joystick have some degree of autoaim?

No Mercy

Master Sergeant
|K3| Member
|K3| Media Team
Hey I connected it and downloaded a program. It does work, but its half responsive. I move it to the left, it stays still, then when I turn it to the right it goes right. Thanks anyways
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