All Points Bulletin - PC-game


APB is dead :a102: , for the ppl who where thinking to give this game a try, DON'T. :96:
I bought the game yesterday for my son who was looking forward to this game :93: , the install was done and he was at the point to register/activate this game, he could not, all sites off APB where out of order, :sign0065: he could not update or even play the soloplayer. :breakcomp:
After some resurch on the internet we where realy dissapointed. Buying a game a €50,- and not able to play. :c002:
I brought the game this morning back to the shop where i bought it , and asked my money back. :021:
Still at this moment several shops are selling this game that can not be played .
For the ones who wants to know more check APB on wikipedia.

So be warned dont buy APB :violent-smiley-007:


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
I read a lot of reviews about this game on Amazon, and most were pretty bad. Don't think you or your son are missing out on much. The reviews at gamespot were ok. 6/10 on average. That really sucks that people are still trying to sell it though. Hope you got your money back. Thanks for the heads up.


:great: Yes i got my money back :victory:
The game shut down at 16 september 2010. Now we looking forward to Medal of Honour and Cod Black Ops


|KKK| Sargasaurus
APB died due to the stupid EA economic per month->okay 9€/month im fine with that...but you can only refund with VISA or mastercard...a really stupid move from EA and RTW. So people started to look for playing for free and it worked. I've played my two month for free by selling game$ for RTW point and i assume a lot of people did the same.
So less money for they stop the game.
Hopefully developpers from RTW patched the server and let them run for some more day but they turn off the game completely on 9/20.

Add to that: a lot of cheater (PB engine was never enabled by support team), an awful matchmaking system (lvl 32 vs lvl 300+), and a lot of little other thing that needed to be develloped correctly before the game goes in store.

The game was good if u played with your friend and a solo it became quickly boring...but damn 2month of living is really too short.

Fu**in Electronic Art! i'll never buy one of their game in the future.


Resident Brony
Former Krew Member
Yeah the reason I haven't bought a Medal of Honor game is because I hate how EA treats it's devolpers and custumers, unfortunatly Activision is starting to do the same thing. Only publisherthat I haven't seen fall to any lows is Valve but I guess that's because they develop and publish their own games and they have an independent way to distribute them.
Only if all developers had this freedom games would be much better.
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