COD4Tips Part 2


|KKK| Gaming Legend
|K3| Member
Movement - Always try to keep on the move, moving from 1 position to another. Be aware of your surroundings. Your spatial awareness has to be good for veteran and especially if you play online. If you move out in the open, try to plan in advance positions where you are going to run to next for cover, such as behind a wall, so if the enemy suddenly appears you have set places in your mind you can use for cover.Plan a few alternate cover positions in case you cant reach 1 in time. If you are behind a wall or other such cover, and you appear from it and snipe at the enemy, crawl back down and move to another position. that way you wont be predictably appearing up from the same position which would make you a much easier target.

Airstrike? Predict enemy movement. - Before dropping an airstrike, try to narrow down the movement of the enemy players. When you launch the airstrike, don't launch it exactly in the center of many red dots on the radar, instead, look at the map, study it and predict exactly where that all those enemies will be when that air strike hits. It takes about two seconds for the air strike to start kicking in, so enemies could easily dodge it if you launch it in a predictable area. Instead determine if the area of the red dots is an open area, is it? Good, now determine if the area is more of a camping zone (or a choke area) or an area where the enemy is moving through. Now predict where the enemy will be in the next few seconds. You can now launch the airstrike. This is how to rack up many kills with it.

Shoot that heli - Remember to shoot the helicopter. Even regular guns are effective against it. While playing online, I've noticed most of the time the team ignores the heli and lets it destroy people on their team. This is a very bad strategy. Why? Well while you ignore the heli, it takes out say, 5 of your teammates. Now the guy who called the heli could have already died and respawned. Now imagine he got himself a kill, the heli gets 6 or more and now the guy has another heli at his disposal. The second heli comes, and once more you don't shoot it. The guy racks up another 7 kill streak, and guess what? Yup. He has yet another heli. Now you are getting your ass handed to you every time you respawn, and all this because you didnt want to waste a clip (or a lot less if more people shoot at it) on the heli.

Aiming Tips:
#1. Shoot the enemy in the body/chest and then in the head to kill him because, for most guns, even with stopping power it takes 2 bullets to kill, even if both land in the head.

#2. Aim for the tip/middle of the opponents head to land a headshot. This is due to the scope being mounted on TOP of the rifle, thus leading to a small bullet displacement that increases as the distance increases. At short ranges the bullet displacement maybe only 1 cm, but as the enemy get's farther away, the greater the bullet displacement becomes. (For example, it may hit them in the neck, instead of the head.) If you aim at the middle of that head or at the tip, there is more chance of the bullet hitting exactly where you want it. It works, 90% of the time.

Shooting Tips:
Another great CoD4 tip is, when firing any of the weapons (assault rifles, sub machine guns such as the mp5) at a distance, always try to fire single controlled shots (to avoid recoil which will just throw your aim off), just move the cross hair in a smooth motion covering any area where you think the enemy might appear. Practice just clicking the mouse once each time. I know it's so easy just to press it a few times in quick succession when there's much action going on. Also, before you zoom in with the scope on the m16, look where the enemy might be first, and then zoom in. Because if you zoom in first, and you haven't checked the general area out, you will be focused only on your scope and then an enemy could snipe you outside your field of view. (It's like a tunnel vision.)

Turning off the in game music (PC version) - To disable the music in the game (in case you want to listen to your own), browse to your COD4 folder, (something like "C:\Program Files\Activision\Call of Duty 4 - Modern Warfare") and rename the "Miles" folder to "MilesMUSICOFF". This way the music will be disabled in the game. If you ever want the music back, just rename the folder back to "Miles".

Things to remember -
- Theres a prominent radar
- There is inherent bullet penetration (deep impact makes it pretty extreme, Example: Machine gun + stopping power + deep impact = a deadly wall spaming machine. Also an m16 works well with deep impact. Watch for those red dots on your map, and if they are in front of you, along with a wall, spam that area. You will get a kill, especially if you are playing hardcore)
- Also When you hit someone theres that little cross that comes up, so if you get that you just spam the wall or building or smokecloud

Non-Headshot snipers: If you find it hard to get headshots with a sniper, use the M40A3 or R700 and use the stopping power and deep impact perks, you will almost always get a 1-hit kill when shooting the torso ( deep impact is for shooting other snipers hiding everything but there weapon behind a wall)

How to tell if someone has Juggernaut - When you fire at someone and you see a red cross, it means they are using the juggernaut perk.

MP5 Main Weapon CoD4 Tip - If you are using an MP5 as a main weapon, use an M9 as your pistol, it uses the same bullets as the mp5 so it's spare bullets act as a poor man's bandolier for your mp5. Always pick pistols with the same type of ammo as your main weapon for more ammo for your main weapon.

Sonic Boom - Sonic Boom effects explosives (grenade launcher), Stopping Power increases bullet damage.

Slow down - Don't always run out and think you're Rambo. This is why a lot of people are horrible at this game. Other than that, have quick reflexes, think before you move into an area where there are a lot of enemy players and just stay attentive. Oh and if a guy is camping in one spot and you get killed by him at least 2-3 times from that same spot, don't keep trying to kill him. Just avoid that area. The guy will usually get killed sooner or later or realize no one is coming his way so he'll move.

Stay Scoped - When sniping after geting a kill do not release the scope for 5 or more seconds so if they watch the kill cam it makes it harder for them to figure out where you are sniping from.

Beginner Tips - Use M16+red dot sight+stopping power. Usually kills in one pull of the trigger.
If you're new, it's imperative that you learn the maps. You'll want to take note of key hot spots, side paths, and sniping positions. Try not to hide behind cars, as they can explode from gunfire/grenades. ALWAYS, ALWAYS check your corners. Flank enemy positions every opportunity you can.
Once you get to level 25, you'll unlock the G3. Practice with that and the sniper rifles, and you'll most likely be able to dominate with any other weapon. Use the red dot sight with pretty much every weapon. Use both types of grenades that you have (special and frags). Get into the habit of aiming down the sights, all the time.

1.) Start a private match by yourself and learn each map.
2.) Always crouch when moving in buildings. (You make less noise that way when not using Dead Silence.) When in the open sprint for cover.
3.) When enemy helicopters come hug the wall and pray or run for the nearest building WITH a roof. (Same for airstrikes. (At least that's what I do.))
4.) Pick which gun/perks work best for you and your playing style. (Like me, I'm more of a run and gun/Ninja, so I use an M5 with Frag x3, UAV Jammer and Martyrdom (Normal TDM) or Dead Silence (Hardcore TDM))
5.) Try playing that training part in the first level a few times to get better acclimated to the controls/'nade handling. (Or try to beat IW's 15 second record. I beat it by the skin of my teeth with 14.98 secs.)

Grenade Tip - When throwing grenades, its very easy to hit someone if you aim at about an 70-80 degree angle. Grenades require a large toss in this game if you want them to travel far. Try to learn the exact distance grenades travel at different angles.

Shoot through walls - Anytime you see red dots on your radar directly in front of you, and there is a wall, spam it. You WILL get kills this way. I've seen too many of my teammates just stand there when there are like 5 red dots on the radar directly next to us. Anytime I spam a wall with multiple enemies with an M16 with Deep Impact, I get at least two or more kills.

Be Aware - It's simple. Always glance at your radar when you can. Then listen for footsteps and judge where an enemy will be. Look at where your teammates are on the radar. Those areas are much less likely to have enemies. Always try to get to know the map well enough to know where an enemy might be coming from. Predict where enemies will be. Always be ready for an enemy around every corner...because as you know, it is very easy to hide with UAV jammer and a silenced weapon.

Teamwork - Most people run around like rambo in this game. I advise more people team up and work together. I just don't understand when someone is taking the flag, and you are off somewhere trying to kill a lone sniper, in the middle of nowhere. The radio commands are not that good in this game though, so you will have to actually communicate. (On the PC version.) On the Xbox360 version there is more teamwork because of the headsets.

Sniping common sense - This should be common sense for a sniper, but if you've killed 4+ people from the same vantage point, its time to find a new spot, or they will snipe you back...

Reloading - If an enemy catches you mid-reload, chances are you're about to die. Only hope is to use the sidearm and hope for the best. Reloading even when you've only shot a round or two can really save you later.

A few more tips - In domination type games, if you don't have any decent cover or no one's got a smoke grenade, run back and forth...zig zag, and be a difficult target. The area you can stay in around the flag is bigger than you think. A perfect example is when people hide in that one spot in Shipment to capture B. They're protected by barrels, and can hide in the dark. Their only concerns are a person running in there too or cooked grenades.

-In a S&D game in Bog, you can plant the bomb without actually having to go inside

-Flanking helps. A lot. Do it. In 2's.

-Just like what's said in those death quotes...If you can see the enemy. The enemy can see you too. Unless of course, you're behind their back...just hope they don't have good ears/good sound system. Don't spend too much time trying to get that headshot. They just might move and spot you.

-Sleight of Hand doesn't work while Last Standing. Sorry.

Boom.. no headshot? - Never aim for the head with a pistol, aim for the neck, they are not 1 hit kills, by the time the second bullet flys out the recoil will have aimed for you.

Grenade Tip - - Don't always throw a grenade to the center of the room, throw it towards the wall, so it will bounce off towards the center of the room. This way you can throw a grenade into a room without exposing yourself.

So have you tried C4 yet? - Let me guess once or twice? Personally I use it all the time in search and destroy when you are defending. Plant the 2 C4\'s on A or B your choice. For Example I place the C4 at a, then I run back all the way to B and guard that area. When the bomb is planted at B trigger off the C4 ASAP, you have killed the bomb planter maybe 2 if lucky. Don't plant the C4 in obvious spots. If you have C4 planted then dont run about, hide! Also you can place a C4 at a flag you are defending, and when it's being taken detonate it! (Submitted by Cory)

Claymore tips
A great defense against unsuspecting players rushing in for the kill. This is a great Perk 1 to use on Mulitplayer. For Snipers, it's probably thier best friend. These things are deadly, but only when placed in a good position. Also be aware that players can run past claymores right before they explode and survive. The key is to put it at an enemie's blindspot. In doorways, try to position the claymore as close to the door as possible, while still keeping it out of sight from the side the enemy is going to run through. If your going to be hinding in a room the claymores lead to, make sure your behind cover that\'s inbetween you and the opening where the claymore is.If you don't, the enemy could just shoot you from outside the room.
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