GifTed's Introduction



CoD4 Username: GifTed
Explain the meaning of your username: The meaning stems from WoW and Halo 2 and 3.
Location: Windham,ME
Age: 20
Steam: I do not have a steam account sadly :(
X-Fire: none
Months/Yrs. of Gaming Experience: i have about 8 solid years of gaming, but only 5 of those years i was really hardcore into gaming, ex. MLG in Halo 2 and 3.
Time you usually play: it varies from when im working of hanging with the female. but normally im on all the time.
How did you hear about us? Did someone refer you or you came on your own freewill? If so, please let us know who referred you here: Fatty told me about KKK while i was reinstalling CoD4

Have you been in a Krew/clan before? If so, what's the name of the Krew/clan? no sir.

Anything else you'd like for us to know about yourself: Well, im really competitive and energetic, but also laid back, i just like to enjoy the game while being good at it :D WOW IM BORING. :(


Master of BluballZ
|K3| Member
Like the other guys said, nice intro man and welcome to our forum. I don't recognize your name and don't know if I seen you on the servers before, but we have new players show up all the time, lol.

If you are interested in joining the Krew please read the Recruitment Guidelines here, see you on the servers ;)


Lieutenant Colonel
|K3| Member
double ditto on the other's replies.

welcome to the forums :]

haven't seen you before, but then i haven't been in-game in awhile.
hope to see you later to kick your ass :]


Master Sergeant
Former Krew Member
Welcome to the forums. Were a fun bunch and were really laid back jus stay active and we will get u an invite in no time. IN the meanwhile have fun on the servers and on the forums.
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