Knife Edge


Knife Edge

Name:Callum Forsyth
CoD4 Username:|KKK|Knife Edge
X-Fire:Gonna Get it soon

Months/Yrs. of Experience:I started playing games about the age of five when the Sega Dreamcast came out and i was really good at Super Mario Bros then when CoD1 came out was one of he lucky few to get a free copy becuase i was inthe 500 buyers of game :p bought Rome Total War and as addicted to that for the duration until CoD4 came out and thats all i play now (gonna get MW2 if the stupid college accomadation prices dont rise agian already £1000 about $1250)

Time you usually play:English time about 8-10 PM ad America's about five hours behind

Anything else you'd like for us to know about yourself (not required):I love my Girl,My Dog and I hate growing up!!! you little people dont have to pay for food when i do :(
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