

Resident Brony
Former Krew Member
If anyone knows where I can get a free version of photoshop, pretty please let me know! :-*


Eskimo with Eskiho's
|K3| Member
gimp is good but if you want free free you need to torrent it, and that can be a bitch sometimes


Resident Brony
Former Krew Member
well im trying to find a program that edits DDS files and the said PS would work but ill look into gimp 8)


Eskimo with Eskiho's
|K3| Member
you can do the same with gimp...there is a plug in if you search DDS plugin for Gimp on google, and it works aswell


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
Why not become a Premier Member? That's all I'm gonna say. *wink-wink* 8)
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