practice practice dude. Can't get no where without practice, unless you get real lucky. GL with the bass.
My future involves me kicking ass along side steven segul, and then i save the sexy chicks. And then steven segul turns on me, cuz hes pissed that he is a terrible actor and a martial arts poser, so i kick his ass, and save more sexy chicks from him. I keep all my sexy chicks in the mansion steven lived in, which i got from destroying steven, and in which much orgying happens. I live there happily ever after, until the zombie apocalypse. At that point i kick ass along side mila jovovich, and all the other sexy chicks are zombies so i have to kill them, but that's ok cuz mila's pretty fine. We live happily ever after. THE END
^^^^^best story ever ------ does NOT sound like it was written by a 2nd grader!!!