If you've worked at a tech shop or even done multiple reinstalls of Windows, you quickly figure out how tedious the process is, especially on computers with OEM bloatware on them.
There are some handy tools to speed this process up:
- The PC Decrapifier: batch uninstall software
- Revo uninstaller: get permanently rid of hard-to-uninstall software
- Chocolatey: package manager for Windows
To install Chocolatey, open command prompt as admin and paste & run this:
Now Chocolatey has been installed and you can use it to install packages.
For example:
will batch install CCleaner, Revo Uninstaller and Malwarebytes without asking anything after you press enter. Fully automatic. You can even make the whole thing into one .bat file, run it as admin and go grab yourself a cup of coffee.
Also bloatware ridden Windows 10 machines are faster to fully reinstall with a USB flash drive since the installer won't ask for activation.
Download wanted ISO from Microsoft's site, create a bootable 8GB flash drive with Rufus, boot the machine to the flash drive, clear the installed partition (leave recovery partitions untouched), wait installer to finish, update & done. No bloatware uninstallation frustration.
There are some handy tools to speed this process up:
- The PC Decrapifier: batch uninstall software
- Revo uninstaller: get permanently rid of hard-to-uninstall software
- Chocolatey: package manager for Windows
To install Chocolatey, open command prompt as admin and paste & run this:
@powershell -NoProfile -ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Command "iex ((new-object net.webclient).DownloadString('https://chocolatey.org/install.ps1'))" && SET PATH=%PATH%;%ALLUSERSPROFILE%\chocolatey\bin
Now Chocolatey has been installed and you can use it to install packages.
For example:
choco install ccleaner revo.uninstaller malwarebytes -y
will batch install CCleaner, Revo Uninstaller and Malwarebytes without asking anything after you press enter. Fully automatic. You can even make the whole thing into one .bat file, run it as admin and go grab yourself a cup of coffee.
Also bloatware ridden Windows 10 machines are faster to fully reinstall with a USB flash drive since the installer won't ask for activation.
Download wanted ISO from Microsoft's site, create a bootable 8GB flash drive with Rufus, boot the machine to the flash drive, clear the installed partition (leave recovery partitions untouched), wait installer to finish, update & done. No bloatware uninstallation frustration.
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