We're going up against a level 5 clan. We gotta be extra careful with our strategies. All their castle troops will be upgraded 1 level. So I expect an upgraded dragon at level 5 on most castles.
@Take Can you fill us up please? If not, I'm the next higher level (until @Nate gets to TH9), so I can donate the necessary troops.
I'll try out @SteelHorse's strategy with goho(sp?). Not sure who I'll use up my first attack on just yet.
Can I ask our folks to attack the bottom 5 and make sure we get those 15 stars?
@Take Can you fill us up please? If not, I'm the next higher level (until @Nate gets to TH9), so I can donate the necessary troops.
I'll try out @SteelHorse's strategy with goho(sp?). Not sure who I'll use up my first attack on just yet.
Can I ask our folks to attack the bottom 5 and make sure we get those 15 stars?