Ban appeal 'eXo / 'Godlike


Private First Class
Hi guys, I want to appeal my ban.

Name: 'eXoGoD
Other aliases: 'Godlike, Rambo, 'eXo, 'eXodus
Apparant reason + Date: a1 12/15/14 wh/perm uav

My appeal:
I find that my ban is unjustified. I always play with headphones which I so often hear players . Also at this time it was very busy in the server, so if you think logically you know where they will spawn and they will almost spawn right behind you. I understand that it seemed, that I would use a instant uav or wallhack . But I assure you that that is not the case . I am very sorry that I get banned from your servers , the servers are good and chill and I would like to come back again . I'll hear from you.

Greets, 'Godlike


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
Sorry man but i mod with headphones too and as great as they are they cant pinpoint cross map behind walls..
I am 100% confident that the ban is righteous..still that doesn't mean I am without error..I watched you for 2 whole rounds just to make sure.. for now the ban stays. I will submit the demo to the rest of the admins/supers for review.
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