[How-To] Add Our Minecraft Server (PC & Mac)


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
You should see something like below. Click the Multiplayer button

You'll then see something like (below). Click the Add Server button

You'll then see (below). In Server Name just enter a name that can easily identify the server you're adding. In Server Address enter: idigibase.com (like below). Then click done.

You should now see it on your list. Select it and press the Join Server button.

Have fun!


K3's Useless Admin
|K3| Executive
Don't forget to ask for whitelist access Here

You also need to setup a password upon first joining the server. There are instructions on how to do this in the chat box once you join the server.

I can't remember off the top of my head the exact commands needed.

I think it's /register 'type your password here' (only needed once upon joining for the fist time) and then /login type your password here.'

Someone can edit my post and correct the commands if they are incorrect.


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
For those that are on the latest version of Minecraft and aren't able to join our server

The reason that you can't join is that your Minecraft version is on the latest version of MC. As of this writing, it's 1.8. So if you see 1.8 like the image below on the bottom right, keep reading to fix it so play on our server.

First, click on the Edit Profile button like the image below

You'll then see a popup similar to below. Change the Use Version dropdown to release 1.7.5 and save the profile.

It should now say version 1.7.5 like below.

Click play and you'll then be able to join the server once again.


Member of the Year
|K3| Member
could I have a tutorial to explain how to enter one Forgot username to enter our minecraft server?:frustrated: so far I can go but the server asks for a password but I do not know how to save, I do not mean the password for the server as I have already
thank you:hug:


Lieutenant General
|K3| Executive
could I have a tutorial to explain how to enter one Forgot username to enter our minecraft server?:frustrated: so far I can go but the server asks for a password but I do not know how to save, I do not mean the password for the server as I have already
thank you:hug:
Your username is parvanehk3

If you're having trouble playing because you can't move or it's black (can't see anything) like the image below

Then you'll need to enter the password you used to register when you first joined the server. To do so, type the following in the server: /login <password> Replace <password> with your password, of course. If you don't remember the password, just say so and @Kreubs can delete your password so you can register again.
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