Business / Inventory programs


Foolish Mortal
|K3| Executive
I'm looking for a good/easy inventory program for our shop...I have used lightspeed for mac and love it's simplicity and stability ...

What have you guys used or worked with ? Right now it would have to be windows unless we get an imac for the shop....

We need to be able to scan/generate part numbers etc
an entire POS would be great..but maybe something simpler to start with integration capability later?


Second Lieutenant
|K3| Member

Thats what we use in store. It might not be available easily outside europe but you can search for something similar.
Very easy to use, a LOT of functions, can be used in a lot of branches and we always get compliments from customers heh.

Look for Ceyenne WPOS, watch the vid on the page it'll give you an idea of whats it about.

If thats totally different to what you need you might be looking for something like Filemaker lol, but you probably already know that one. :p
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