Moving Update!!!!


|K3| Member
so as time is coming to a close on Myself Moving i will indeed have internet as soon as i get down there connection is still being developed on how well my speed will be.. and im also insted of leaving the 2nd of August i am Leaving the 1st, i will be in contact with you all.

iHop, P.S. Thank you all for the Support


|K3| Member
Pft...Who needs to move
pft...Who need internets
Pft..."fucker" in every sentence


|K3| Member
A Lil Update again, i wont be on right away i am leaving tomorrow night for NC and then that Saturday im leaving with my GF and Her Parents and we Are going to go see My Best Friend who joined the Air force in DC for that weekend till Monday so the earliest i will probably be on is sometime next week :D <3 Thanks all
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