This Month's Scrim [Important]

The Moment

|K3|Recruit Admin
|K3| Executive
Hello all,

Due to some issues with scheduling, we are going to move the scrim that was supposed to take place in July to August. That will give everyone a chance to reconfigure their schedule and hopefully allow more people to attend. I'm very sorry for the scheduling conflict as I was away on vacation and didn't give any help. To the [USERGROUP=40]@Recruit[/USERGROUP], I'm sorry that I'm making you wait a little longer for your tags, but I wanted all of you to have a proper scrim instead of a very informal one.

Hopefully everyone is okay with this. If not, please let me know.

The Moment


Condescending little prick
|K3| Moderator
One. Not the thread for requests.
Two. Not the time for requests.
Three. You are not a recruit.
Four. Why does no one understand that recruit scrims do not include mods?
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